Friday, April 24, 2009

Randomness!! (The comments in the paranthesis are my comments..their supposed to be funny.)

I'm just in typing class and im really bored so here are some random things..okay lets go...Did you know that sharks never stop swimming cuz if they do they die!! Clocks made in 1660 only had one hand, not 2!! Bats always turn left when exiting a cave...i don't know why!! (Bats are retarded) A toothpick is the object most choked on by americans!! When you eat too much your hearing becomes less sharp...(that must be me, cuz i eat A LOT and i can't hear things clearly..i always have to say huh??)
You are about 1 centimeter taller than in the morning than in the evening..(uhh..) Banana's aren't fruit they're a type of herb..(what in the heck is a herb?) Polar bears fur isn't white its actually clear..(really? cuz it looks white)Rain contains vitamin B12..(alrighty then) To burn off one M&M chocolate thing, you have to walk the length of a football field...(I don't really care, cuz i don't like M&M's)Kitten's are born both blind and deaph..( thats why they can't hear you when they are born) Children laugh about 400 times a day while adults laugh about 15 times a day..(Adults are cranky)Cold water weighs more than Hot water..(no comment)
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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About Me

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My name is Maddison Black and I LOVE to try to look like a super model!! ALL THE TIME!! My favorite football team is the UTAH UTES!! They are flippin awesome. My favorite sport is Volleyball. I also like to laugh, but people can get really really annoyed of me!! haha:) I love to hang out with friends and do lots of fun stuff. My favorite place is DISNEYLAND!! I go all the time!! The person I admire most in my family is probably my sister in-law, Katie she is so Awesome!! I love her so dearly. I am not a very creative person. Well, really Im not AT ALL!! My mom even says so!! HAHA:) My favorite subject in school is Journalism. Its a very fun class to be in because all we do is goof around!! I am definetly a leader not a follower. I have 1 older sister and 5 brothers. I am the youngest. I have 1 brother in-law and 2 sister in-laws. I will soon have 3 sister in-laws. I am so excited!! My favorite thing to do in my spare time is Hang out with friends. Especially my friend Baylee. She is always there for me (unless she gets grounded).